Privacy policy

This page explains what visiting this site means for your online privacy. First and foremost, online privacy is something very important to me. This site was built with your online privacy as a priority from the start. This site is entirely Open Source and its code can be found on GitHub.
Although I have no interest in collecting nor sharing any of your data, due to technicalities some data might be transmitted. The next sections describe in detail the scope of such data transmission.

1. Data controller

Joao Grassi

privacy (at) otelrecipes (dot) com

2. Accessing this site

2.1 Host provider

Data processor: Hetzner Online GmbH with servers within Germany/Finland. When visiting the site, the following data is stored in the host provider's log files:
  • Anonymized IP address
  • Browser
  • Date and time of visit
  • Operating system
From the provider's FAQ:
At the web server level, this happens by default by storing an IP address 123.123.123.XXX in the log file instead of the visitor's actual IP address, for example, The XXX is a random value between 1 and 254, so it is no longer possible to establish the true identity of the visitor.
Purposes of processing:
  • Ensuring the function of the website
  • Traceability and protection against attacks
  • Legitimate interest based on Article 6(1)(f) GDPR
Data is stored for:14 days in encrypted backups**.

2.2 Analytics

Data processor: GoatCounter When visiting the site, the following data can be stored by the provider:
  • URL of the visited page
  • Referer header
  • Browser and system information (derived from User-Agent header or HTTP client hints; the original headers are not stored)
  • Screen size
  • Country and region name derived from the IP address
From the provider's Privacy policy:
No personal information (such as IP address) is collected. A hash of the IP address, User-Agent, and a random number (“salt”) is kept in the process memory for 8 hours to identify a browsing session, and is never stored to disk.
The usage of GoatCounter does not require a consent on the basis that
  1. No personally identifiable information is collected
  2. It is in the legitimate interest of a site’s owner to see how many people are visiting their site
A more in depth explanation can be found GoutCounter's GDPR consent notices page.